Can i add extra gliders to my Silent Gliss 6243 Recess Track?

One question we often get asked is if its possible to increase the glider capacity of your Silent Gliss 6243 recess track, the answer is a definite yes! The Silent Gliss 6243 recess track offers the flexibility to accommodate extra gliders, allowing you to tailor it to your unique requirements.


Easy Step-by-Step Process to Add Extra Gliders:


Prepare Your Tools:

Before getting started, gather the tools you'll need - a small flat-head screwdriver and additional gliders suitable for the Silent Gliss 6243 recess track.


Locate the Silver Spring:

Identify the small metal component known as the silver spring, situated at one end of the track.


Remove the Silver Spring:

Carefully insert the flat-head screwdriver into the profile channel to gently remove the silver spring. Be cautious not to apply excessive force to avoid any damage.


Slide in the Extra Gliders:

With the silver spring removed, the channel within the track becomes accessible. Slide the extra gliders into the channel, ensuring they are evenly spaced and properly oriented for seamless movement along the track.


Replace the Spring:

Once the extra gliders are in place, reinsert the silver spring back into the channel. Make sure it is aligned correctly and push it in until it is securely positioned. Confirm that the gliders are held firmly while still allowing smooth movement along the track.


Test the Movement:

Give the curtains a gentle tug to verify that the gliders move effortlessly along the track. Check for any potential obstructions or friction caused by the newly added gliders.


With the Silent Gliss 6243 recess track, you have the convenience of adding extra gliders even after installation. By following these simple steps, you can easily modify your track and enjoy the enhanced functionality and flexibility it provides.


If you have any concerns or questions about modifying your track, don't hesitate to get in touch with our experienced team of retail sepcialists. They are here to help you with any queries you might have! Jost give us a call on 01494 460198.